Have you ever wondered how Market Action, the monthly statistics newsletter from RMLS™, gets produced each month?

Gerry, one of the RMLS™ training staff, often tells tales to his classes of a lone staff person who holes herself up for a week to produce Market Action. He reports that REALTORS® in his classes will often gasp at the fact that just one person is responsible for putting the thing together.

It’s not quite that bad, but we wanted to share an overview with subscribers about how Market Action gets put together each month.

Day 1

I spend the whole day pulling data from RMLSweb, generating/updating charts with the data, and then inserting those charts into layout documents for all 14 editions of Market Action—that’s 69 pages in all! Generally speaking I do nothing else the entire eight hour day—that includes checking email or answering phone calls. Distraction can cause errors. Fortunately, as I’ve now been doing this for several months


Day 2

In the morning, Christina Smestad verifies that the charts are correct and that no errors have been made. This includes verifying data that was pulled

Day 3